Quartermaster Deluxe is available for $150.
To order send check to
Clyde Thomas 1086 Mosstree Dr. Apex, NC 27502
To get help call 919-801-2081 or
send questions to clydethomasjr@gmail.com
To review the reports, click on the REPORTS button.
To review or print the manual, click on the MANUAL button
Entering info. is easy. You just fill in the info. requested on the screen.
You will be able to receive dues from the members (old way) or via National
(new way.) Either way you will know the status of your members instead of
having the rely on National.
You will be able to manage finances for both your post and your canteen.
There are 10 funds which you can use as funds or bank accounts and can
name them whatever you want.
You will be able to print all VFW Reports in their exact VFW format. In
addition, you will be able to print an income statement which will itemize any
and all projects your post decides to undertake.
You will be able to monitor the use of credit cards. Every charge can be
entered, matched with the statement and paid.
You will be able to print mailing labels for all your members including the
option to print addresses with bar codes so you can take advantage of bulk
mailng rates.